Friday, September 14, 2007

A Quote for Today

"The object of government is the welfare of the people. The material progress and prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all good citizens." - Theodore Roosevelt


Anonymous said...

was he a Democrat???

The Double-U Show said...

I would have to disagree on one th ing the Sentaor said though. I do believe Americans are getting fatter however I don't believe Americans are getting dumber. We're graduating students from college at the highest rate in history. Our students, unlike even 60 years ago, are required to attend school by law. We have some of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Technology in this country is unmatched by anybody esle. We have the strongest economy despite the most varied cultural differences. And if you want to see how Americans have progressed intellectually look at the top shows on television. From 1957 to 1961 the top show was GUNSMOKE, THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES, Now, the top shows are House, CSI, 24, Nip/Tuck, The Sorpranos, Boston Legal and Lost. However, you're right, he does speak his mind which is the most important thing for a candidate so I'll be eyeing him on the ballott too!!:-)

Anonymous said...

the dramas are more intelligent now, but they are counterbalanced by the sheer vacuousness of so-called reality tv...

LLL - come by my blog for a once in a lifetime post: Bogs unmasked...

LeftLeaningLady said...

Pete, I am pretty sure Teddy was a democrat, FDR was. And I will have to check your blog from home, I am not getting the pictures at work.

DUS, We are graduating students from college at a high rate, but we have a higher rate of students. They are required to go to HS, but are they learning anything there? (My son just graduated). I think the things you are listing are a major difference in the HAVEs and HAVE-Nots. Have you spoken to anyone at Wally world lately, or tried to have an intelligent discussion with them? You are in academia right now, aren't you? You are part of our future, our BRIGHT future, I hope. Maybe it is just from where I am sitting (they don't call this place the Redneck Riviera for nothing), but I see the "dumber" part.