Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

I loved that show when BabyBoy was young. It is really great for teaching geography, which is not one of my best subjects. The world is a big ol' place and I don't know where 99% of it is.

However, just for the record, I can come pretty close to the Appalachian Trail on a map. I could even get in my car right this minute and drive there in a couple of days. I mean, get real, it is mountains and it is north east of here. I should eventually run into it.

I can not, however, get in my car and drive to Argentina in a couple of days. Hmmmm, can I even drive all the way to Argentina? And, if I can, I would at least have to run by my house for my passport. Argentina, you see, is not in the United States. It is not even in North America. And I didn't have to Google it to find out. I actually already knew it.

So how exactly did Gov Mark Sanford end up in Argentina when he told his staff he was hiking the Appalacian Trail? And why didn't his wife know where he was?

There is something really fishy in Denmark, I mean, South Carolina. They are practically the same thing, aren't they?


fallenmonk said...

He is up to something. It is not like it is summer down there, it's mid winter and none to warm...the high today was 51F. He is supposed to have a news conference today to explain himself....we'll see if he comes clean.

two crows said...

I heard tonight, on Rachel, his wife told reporters not only that she didn't know where he was-- she didn't care.

and, how bout that press conference, huh? stupid, stupid. NO ONE confesses an assignation without a prepared statement in front of him.

Sidhe said...

You know what's really screwed up...if any one of us working stiffs just decided not to show up for work for four days we'd get, uh, fired. Who do these politician's think they are?

Yeah, the press conference was the stupidest thing I've ever heard...actually, I think he was getting his jollies by recounting his dalliance to the American public with Fox & Friends eating it right up...