Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Confusion Factor

Ok, I am lost and confused and I hope that someone can pretty, please explain this to me. I think I have above average intelligence and yet for some reason, I really can not figure out what the big deal is as far as Florida's property tax issues. I know there is a special session going on in Tallahassee right now because property taxes in Florida have gone sky-high and there is talk about reducing the money spent on education (Helloooooo! We are 47th in the country). But, MY taxes are not sky-high. While they dropped by over $100 last year because my county rolled back its millage(sp?) rate, they were only going up by $25 or so. I can't see how paying another $25 a year is going to an enormous amount of harm to me.

My understanding is that IF you own a house AND you live in it (making it your primary residence) AND you claim the $25,000 Homestead Exemption, THEN your property taxes can not go up more than 3%. Obviously if this is your vacation home or a rental property or a business that 3% cap does not apply. (Feel free to correct me when I get something wrong here, I have no doubt I will) I know there were plenty of SnowBirds screaming about how high their taxes are back in the winter months and I work with a man whose tax bill went from approximately $1600 to approximately $6000. Forgive me if I do not have any sympathy for these people. Maybe I am jealous because I can not afford a second home or rental property, but I don't understand the hoopla. People are screaming about how this is going to break them and yet, isn't property tax deductible on the federal tax form? Mine is. How many people who own rental property don't pass the additional taxes (and insurance) onto their renters?

Now I live in the NW section of the state. In a town that used to be lovely & tacky and we all referred to it as 'the Redneck Riviera'. Now the town has lost its tackiness and is just a place with condominiums. But I have a friend whose parents live in the Tampa area. Her parents own their home and have (I think she said) 15 rentals and they are not complaining about the rising cost of property taxes, because it has only risen slightly for them, but the entire state is screaming.

I do feel bad for the small business owner because if a person owns the building, he/she could taxed until the business fails, but if rental properties ARE your business, isn't this just part of the cost of doing business?

Frankly I am much more concerned about the high cost of hurricane insurance. There is no cap on how much that can go and mine is going to be as high as my payment soon, but that is another post altogether.

So, please, if anyone out there can explain this to me in simple, one syllable words, I would greatly appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could say I understand about taxes, but I live in an apartment.

I do know some people will complain about taxes no matter what - I call them Republicants. LOL

LeftLeaningLady said...

Yes, and I agree with you. The people with the money complain about the taxes.. makes no sense, does it?

I was actually hoping someone would read this and clear it up, but since you are my only reader, I guess that isn't going to happen. :-)