Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another HodgePodge

I'm still here! There's been no time for blogging lately, and I really shouldn't be now. I should be working. But I figured a couple of minutes out of my day wouldn't kill anyone.


I'm sick of the Republicans bitching about the deficit. The budget was balanced 8 years ago, now it isn't, whose fault is that?


I don't know if this stimulus package is what the country really needs. I don't know that it will help; I don't know if it will hurt. All I know is that for the last 8 years whenever Dubya wanted to spend money, whether it was tax cuts for the rich or an immoral war, Congress passed it. Let's let President Obama do what he feels is best for the country at this horrific time.

John McCain, "I cannot and do not support the package on the table from the Democrats and the Obama Administration. Our country does not need just another spending bill, particularly not one that will load future generations with the burden of massive debt. We need a short term stimulus bill that will directly help people, create jobs, and provide a jolt to our economy,” McCain says in the e-mail. “I hope you will join me in saying no to this stimulus package as it currently exists by signing this petition” can kiss my ass.

And, no, I'm not linking to his stupid petition.


I can barely read or watch the news. Tens of thousands of jobs lost every day. No one spending any money. It's going to get worse before it gets better and my heart breaks for those in trouble and in need.


On a happy note, though, DSD does have a job interview tomorrow. It will probably be only part time and he probably won't be making much more than he is right now in unemployment, but it will be good for him to go back to work. Cross your fingers!


Sidhe said...

John McCain, "I cannot and do not support the package on the table from the Democrats and the Obama Administration. Our country does not need just another spending bill, particularly not one that will load future generations with the burden of massive debt. We need a short term stimulus bill that will directly help people, create jobs, and provide a jolt to our economy...”

It's interesting to me that as a Republican, McCain cannot support President Obama's stimulus bill but he could support giving away taxpayer money to private banks just a few short months ago...that worked out pretty well, huh?

I actually had some respect for McCain before he made these recent comments though it had waned quite a bit after his selection of Sarah (probably a little bit of that sticking by my Navy family thing going there) but now it's in the toilet.

Anonymous said...

the Republicants are still trying to stimulate the economy by bolstering businesses... but we've seen again and again that they don't pass along benefits to others - they just get richer... it's time to help the suffering little guy and let the damn big guys help themselves... it's time to take action on the stimulus package...

ModernMommy said...

This has been bugging me as well. How many republicans signed off on Bush's welfare bill for the banks without question? Now they will not sign a bill that is supposed to help the the lower and middle class? I am disliking McCain even more than I disliked him during the election.
I am so depressed as I just heard all my former coworkers are losing their jobs because of the ginormous social services cuts here in AZ.